Printer setup & troubleshooting


Surf the interent like an expert!

Easy Internet & Email our specialty!

Use email to keep in touch with associates, friends & family!


A new system for your business?  A home PC with internet access for the kids?  

Athena Computer Solutions knows you want to spend your money wisely, planning for today and tomorrow.  We also know you don't want to be bombarded with a lot of technical terms to convince you to spend more than you need to!

We'll help you design a system that meets your reality.  We assist with:

  • Needs Analysis

  • Market & Cost Research

  • Purchasing & Installation

  • Software Installation & Customization

  • "Easy Internet & Email" is our specialty!

  • Printer maintenance & trouble-shooting as well

Let us help get you started in computing, or upgrade your current system to grow along with you!  


On-line Research


In-store Purchases


Phone Support


On-site Visits





No tax on any of our services!



home    websites    design    tutoring    consulting

email inquiries welcome!